A municipality at the world's end is about to make a good start
Implementary programmes of the Czech Republic after reviewing procedures
On the demolition waste, again in the city of Brno
A note on European strategy of waste prevention and recycling. A discussion on a draft of the strategy
Draft resolution of the European Parliament, Reasoned statement
Waste Management Plan of the CR and the trends in the EU
Proceeding on the violation of the EU Treaty
Waste of the Month
Hazardous Wastes
A reduction of the formation of hazardous construction and demolition wastes
Topic of the Month
Analysis and Wastes
Organic carbon in wastes. Parameters of the content and their determination
New trends in the analysis and Ecochem, a. s.
A company's presentation.
Organic contaminants in leachates from landfills
From the European Union
Continuing confusions related to the definition of "waste removal"
Differences in national definitions of waste
A portal to the information on the EU, now in Czech, too
News from the EU
Science and Research
An application of the LCA study to the waste management, 1. Introduction
A demo version of the waste-sale catalogue
ENVIBRNO, 20th April, here we go again
Hydraulic engineering exhibition: VODOVODY - KANALIZACE (DUCTS - SEWERS)
14th Congress of the SETAC EU Company in Prague
4th annual international conference ODPADY 21
Large-size EPDM rubber foils - an ideal solution to the problem of isolation of landfills, pools and receivers
Commercial presentation of a product supplied by Trelleborg Industries CS, s.r.o.
Time to take up interest in IPPC (Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control)
Analyses - sampling - metrology.